Hello, click the link to hear how Nick’s life has changed for the better by training at Alvarez Jiu Jitsu.
Check out the recent interview with Coach Alvarez and the coaches from Metro Jiu Jitsu in Detroit, Michigan. They cover competition mindset and the benefits of competing in Jiu Jitsu.
Making deposits into your Mental Toughness is essential. Check out the new Coffee with Coach episode with Coach Alvarez on he and many others have used Jiu Jitsu to help build up their Mental Toughness.
One of the questions that gets asked a lot is “how and why do you promote the way you do? Click on the video below to hear in depth explanation on how Coach Alvarez levels up his students.
Last night Coach Alvarez promoted Mr. Sean Montoya and Mr. Adrian Velasquez to the rank of Blue Belt. Check out the videos below to hear how they got started, what they love about it and how it has changed their Life for the Better!
Ever question your jiu jitsu belt rank after a loss at tournament or after a bad day in practice? If so, this is video will help you get your mind back where it should be so you can get back to competing or back to practice.
Hello, if you have a child in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and you’re a little frustrated with him or her not being aggressive enough, please take the time to watch this by video by Coach Alvarez. There’s also some great conversations in the comments worth the time to read as well.